We supply qualified support workers, senior careers, healthcare assistants and other healthcare professionals to nursing homes, supported living, homecare, private clients and hospitals.
We thoroughly train staff using seasoned and high-qualified trainers in the business. All our training is delivered by practising Health & Social Care professionals who understand the challenges faced by frontline staff
We provide care services which work with you and ensure the individual needs are met without reserve to satisfaction. We provide personal care and oral hygiene, administration of medication, nutritional needs and fluid intake, live-in care, companionship and domestic cleaning.
We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.
At Sparkle-Care, we want you to trust us with your information. We will under no circumstance sell or rent your personal information. For details of how your information is used, please refer to our Data and Privacy Policy